Attention Indian Trail Parents and Families,
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Each year, the state of Illinois sends out the “5 Essentials Survey” for parents, students, and teachers to complete. We use the results from this survey to help us plan and set goals for next year to improve the Indian Trail culture for your students. We kindly ask that you please take a few minutes to visit the link in the next column and complete the survey.
Your open and honest responses will give us the valuable information that is needed for us to continue to provide a thriving environment for your student. Please note, in order for us to see our results, we need 20% of our parents to complete the survey.
1. 1. Click the Link:
2. 2. Under the “Parent” header, select English or Spanish
3. 3. Enter your Email Address, County, Name of School, and Number of Children Enrolled at Indian Trail **This is for your completion receipt. Indian Trail does not see your direct responses. The survey is anonymous.**
4. Click “Login” and begin the survey.
As an incentive to complete the 5 Essentials form, we will be raffling off an autographed basketball signed by the entire Chicago Bulls team. After you’ve submitted the 5 Essentials Form, click the Google Form link below to verify that you have submitted your 5 Essentials. Just fill out the required information, and submit. All names will be put into a raffle, and one student/family will receive this amazing piece of memorabilia.
5 Essentials Completion/Raffle Entry Form
We greatly appreciate your support and input and thank you for your time.