Attention students and parents! Do you need extra help on an assignment, or studying for an assessment?  We always encourage students to ask to work with a teacher during their study hall time. But if you need additional help, Indian Trail has supports Monday through Thursday available to all Indian Trail students. 

CLAW: Our Center for Late Assignments and Work is our Homework Center. Every Monday and Wednesday from 3-4 p.m., students can meet with Mrs. Bonasera to get extra help and clarification on schoolwork, or maybe just provide a quiet place to get work done.  A permission slip is required to stay, please CLICK HERE for the permission slip, and submit to Mrs. Bonasera.

Trail Mix Online Tutoring: Starting Tuesday, October 3rd, Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Wade will be available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. ONLINE, through Google Meets.  They are available to help with homework or classwork assistance in any subject area. We encourage all parents to be active in their student’s learning, check Home Access Center regularly, and communicate with your student’s teachers.  If they seem to be struggling with a class or assignment, encourage your student to sign on to Trail Mix.  Students should come with the homework and any class notes or resources that their teacher provided to maximize tutoring time.

The Trail Mix link is listed below and is also available on the Indian Trail Website.

Please note, if there are multiple students looking for assistance, it may be a minute or two before your student is allowed to join, but our tutors will be with them as soon as possible.

In addition, we encourage parents and students to discuss how students to:

  • Stay organized: use your agenda book to track assignments and tests.

  • Manage your time: Plan ahead to study for tests and quizzes.

  • Ask for help: don’t be afraid to ask your teachers for help if you’re struggling. 

This is a great opportunity and resource for our students, so we hope many of them take advantage of it.  Remember, everyone’s learning journey is unique, so find what works best for your student.