8th grade expectations

With the second semester just around the corner, we would like to communicate some important information regarding your 8th-grade student.  Each year Indian Trail plans exciting events for our promoting 8th graders that we hope they will remember for years to come.  These include Lock-In, a field trip, and our Promotion Ceremony.

 In order to participate in these events students must meet certain building and district requirements:

8th Grade Lock-In and the 8th Grade Field Trip:

Behavior: Any suspension issued (internally/externally) during the course of the 3rd and 4th quarter, up until the fourth quarter mid-term, they will not be able to participate in either of the two events above.  If additional incidents resulting in suspensions occur, the student will be put on a Final Contract.  This means that for the remainder of the year, should they receive any other consequences, it will result in the loss of the privilege to participate in our Promotion Ceremony.

Excessive Tardies to Class: If a student receives a consequence for excessive tardies, (defined as 6 or more tardies in a single quarter)during the course of the 3rd and 4th quarter, up until the fourth quarter mid-term, they will not be able to attend the lock-in or field trip.  Administration will work with these students to potentially earn back one or both of these events.  

Promotion Ceremony:

The Promotion Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 27th, at 7:30PM, and will be held  at the Plainfield High School Central Campus Stadium.  The ceremony is a culminating event, bringing together Indian Trail staff and families of our students to celebrate the educational growth and success of our 8th grade students.  Our Promotion Ceremony  recognizes the hard work, growth, schoolwide involvement,  and pride our students have shown throughout their time at Indian Trail. 

Outlined below, you will find the school board policy all students must adhere to in order to participate in our promotion ceremony.

Attendance: A student may be deemed ineligible to attend Middle School Promotion if they have accumulated 41 days of absences or 25% of the academic year.  Note: Each Exclusion Case will be reviewed by the building principal prior to the final exclusion decision. 

Academic: Failing two or more “courses” for the academic year may result in being excluded from the 8th Grade Promotion.  Failing a “course” means that the student has received two or more Fs in a single class/course for the academic year (four quarters) in a single course.  A “course” is considered any class that meets all four quarters (math, language arts, science, social studies, physical education).

Administration has reviewed first-quarter grades and attendance concerns and we have spoken to these students.  After break, and throughout the remainder of the year, we will be checking in on students’ grades and progress, and communicating home with parents/guardians.  We want to see all of our 8th graders participate in our Promotion Ceremony.  We have communicated this information with the 8th grade  class and would encourage parents to review these expectations with their students, as well. 

 Thank you for your assistance, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact any Indian Trail Administrator.